What To Check When Buying A Used Car

If you have been looking for a used car to buy and you think you may have found the right one, then you want to go see it fast; before anyone else is able to get there and by it out from under you! However, just because you want to get to the car fast to look at it doesn't mean you want to hand over your cash and actually buy it too quickly.

Are The Police Targeting Your Car? What To Do

If you think that your vehicle has been targeted by the police in your area, and you think that you are being pulled over because the police recognize your vehicle, it may be time to make some changes. It can be easy for officers that work in the same areas on the same shifts to recognize vehicles. You don't have to get a new car to stop people from recognizing your vehicle, but there are some subtle changes that you can make.

Ceramic Over-Coating & How it Can Save Your Car's Paint Job

If you live in an area where the local road department uses salt and coal ash in the winter to keep ice from accumulating on the highways, then it is important that you take steps to prevent damage to your car's clear coat paint layer. This is vital because without protection, the clear coat will become damaged and the underlying metal of your vehicle will form rust. Thankfully, you can now have your car's paint job protected with a ceramic over-coating.

3 Ways To Prepare For Auto Body Repair On Your Vehicle

If you need to have auto body work done on your vehicle, here are three tips that will help you prepare to have auto body work done. #1 Find Out How Long The Work Will Take Even simple auto body work can take at least a week to complete, and more complex auto body work can take a couple of works to complete. When you take your vehicle in for auto body work, be sure to talk with the mechanic about the time frame it will take to get the parts that you need as well as the time that it will take to actually complete the auto body work.

Auto Care 101: Tips And Tricks For Auto Rust

Rust is a common problem that plagues many vehicles on the road today. Whether you live in a snowy climate or not, you have probably experienced vehicle rusting. While rust might just seem like a cosmetic problem, it's actually an auto body problem. Over time, rust buildup can cause issues with the body, paneling, and framework of your vehicle. Luckily, rust is easily treatable and can be prevented. So how do you prevent rust from occurring on your vehicle?